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what are the prices of skin whitening treatment india

what are the prices of skin whitening treatment india

  • Jun 01, 2023
  • Amrutha

Skin whitening treatments cost in India

The prices of skin whitening treatments in India can vary depending on several factors such as the type of treatment, the clinic or dermatologist you choose, the location, and the extent of the treatment required. It's important to note that promoting or endorsing skin whitening treatments can beauty standards. However, We can provide you with a general idea of the approximate range of prices for certain skin whitening treatments in India as of my last knowledge update in May 2023:

  • Chemical peels: The cost of chemical peels can range from around ?2,000 to ?10,000 per session, depending on the type of peel and the number of sessions required.

  • Laser treatments: Laser treatments for skin whitening can cost anywhere from ?5,000 to ?30,000 per session, depending on the type of laser used, the size of the treatment area, and the number of sessions required.

  • Glutathione injections: Glutathione injections, which are sometimes used for skin lightening, can range in price from ?5,000 to ?20,000 per box, and multiple sessions may be needed for desired results.

Please note that these prices are approximate and may have changed since my last update. It's always best to consult with a IMBMS skin care eperts to get accurate and up-to-date information about the cost of specific skin whitening treatments in India.

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